“Do not be afraid to be holy!” Such were the words of Pope Saint John Paul II on August 7, 1999 to the young people of Europe. And yet, these words are also for us (all
of us) today! The month of October is jam packed with beautiful feast days (such as Pope Saint John Paul II, Saint Teresa of Jesus, Saint Thérèse of the Child Jesus and of the Holy Face, Saint Faustina, and Saint Francis of Assisi to name a handful); the month is then wrapped up as a big gift for God and Heaven by being the month of The Holy Rosary. Perhaps this is a good reminder for us that devotion and consecration to Our Blessed Mother is the “surest, easiest, shortest, and the most perfect means to becoming a saint.” (Father Michael Gaitley, MIC,
33 Days to Morning Glory) But how do we set about becoming the saint God made us to be? Do we actually believe we were created to be a saint? If so, is this even possible?
Each and every one of you reading this is called to be a saint, to be holy, to be set apart for God–to be His own beloved one! Very simply, all those who make it to Heaven are saints, so, although we have many Saints’ feast days in the liturgical calendar, there are still many saints in Heaven that we are unaware of.
While it could seem a very lofty goal to become a saint, I would like to propose to you that it is not hard at all. In fact, it is so simple and so easy, that that is exactly what makes it seem to be so hard! Our little friend and sister, Saint Thérèse of Lisieux, taught us “The Little Way” to get to Heaven. She rediscovered the truth which we heard from Our Lord in today’s Gospel reading, which consoled her greatly during her earthly life and gave her confidence that she could become a great Saint: “Let the children come to me; do not prevent them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Amen, I say to you, whoever does not accept the kingdom of God like a child will not enter it.” (Mark 10:2-16) Therefore, Saint Therese reminds us that to enter the kingdom of God, we must remain very little, accept our weakness and littleness, aware that our weakness and littleness is the means by which we are drawn up into Communion with the Most Holy Trinity. That, by remaining childlike, Jesus' arms become “the elevator” (as Saint Therese said) by which we are lifted up to Eternity!
In order to become the saint God made us to be, we must also remain very little, surrendering ourselves completely to Our Father Who loves us, and fall madly in love with the “Loving Madman” (Saint Catherine of Siena). “It is the saints who know what being in love is all about. Earthly love pales in comparison.” (Father Thomas Dubay, SM, The Fire Within) The Saints teach us how simple it all is, that it is all about trust and love–authentic, self-sacrificing love, and complete and radical trust. This love is heard by the first man and woman (Genesis 2:18-24), and again in a certain way by Our Precious Lord in His Presence in the Most Holy Eucharist: “bone of my bones, and flesh of my flesh.” United to Love Himself in this Most Holy Communion, we can become the saints God made us to be. Not relying on our own merits, goodness, or virtue (although these will come naturally to a soul united to God), but rather depending totally on Him for everything, as a child depends completely on its mother and father.
Friends, this month of the Most Holy Rosary, let us find friendship with the great saints, and in particular the Queen of All Saints, that we might become the saints God created us to be. Let us remember often the words of Pope Saint John Paul II: “Do not be satisfied with mediocrity… Do not be afraid to be holy! Have the courage and humility to present yourselves to the world determined to be holy, since full, true freedom is born from holiness. This aspiration will help you discover genuine love, untainted by selfish and alienating permissiveness.” Let us also ask Saint Therese to help us discover (or rediscover) her Little Way. Let us hide ourselves in the Most Precious Wounds of Jesus, the Lover of our souls, that we might, even now, experience Eternity!
+ All you holy angels and saints, pray for us! +
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