This commission is concerned with the liturgical functions that serve as the primary demonstrative expressions of faith and worship, viz., the sacraments, as well as programs explicitly involving spiritual growth and development. Thus, this commission is concerned with discerning, training, developing, scheduling, and the renewal of laity in their participation in liturgical celebrations, especially the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, lectors, servers, ushers, cantors, greeters, and those involved in all areas of musical planning and participation… This commission assists the pastor with the liturgical and sacramental needs of the parish community… It is to plan and assist in the coordination of all liturgical, para-liturgical or special celebrations and events.
Volunteers work as a part of a 4-5 member team caring for the sacred areas of our beautiful Church. The teams clean/dust the altar, Baptistry, Pieta and side altars; replace the holy water, altar cloths and candles, polish the candle holders and remove spent flowers from the floral arrangements.
The Church is decorated with floral arrangements for the purpose of making the Church look beautiful to the King of Kings and to our patron Our Lady of Grace the Virgin Mary. We decorate and maintain the flowers during the week.
Time commitment: Flexible (as much as needed)
The Small Altar Linen Ministry is a simple and humble ministry that cares and tends to the small altar linens used during mass and other sacraments. Our ministry is responsible for soaking, laundering, and ironing small altar linens (purificators, corporals, and finger towels). Linens are picked up each week, cleaned, ironed and folded at home, and returned to the church the following week.
Time Commitment: Members are assigned two weeks at a time on a rotating schedule. Depending on the numbers of volunteers, each member is assigned 5-6 times per year.
The purpose of the Altar Serving Ministry is to train the young men of our parish to assist the priest in offering the Holy Mass. It is hoped that this participation will inspire all males to consider a vocational path: priesthood or religious life. All males who have completed their first communion are invited to participate in this holy ministry.
Time Commitment: Generally one hour each Holy Mass during the weekend, plus additional opportunities to serve during the week and holy days.
At Eucharistic Adoration, we continue to adore Jesus who is truly present in His Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity in the Blessed Sacrament. Adorers sign up for a specific time period, whether on a weekly basis, or as their schedule permits.
Wednesdays : 10:00 am to 6:00 pm
Fridays : 7:30 am to 11:30 am
Time commitment: Adorers typically sign up for one hour time intervals
Open to all present in church to pray the rosary and Divine Mercy Novena prayers, Fridays before the 12:15pm Mass.
Time commitment: 11:20 am to noon on Fridays
The exaltation of proclaiming the Mass Readings is by tradition ministerial. It is a calling, not for everyone, and requires particular individual gifts of the Holy Spirit to be considered for this ministry. A Lector on the Altar, should be invisible, hidden within the text being read. Thus, the Lector’s role is to speak the text in such a way that the text itself, and not the person, may speak to us. This ministry requires advanced knowledge of the Bible, preparation, dedication, humility and reverence, a voice that people want to hear and can be heard, excellence in pronunciation, willing to be trained, and to be committed to a daily relationship with the Lord. One that might discern a call to this ministry must have the recommendation of the Priest.
Time Commitment: Schedules are made based on availability
Provides sacred music for Sunday Masses, certain Feast Day Masses, and Holy Days of Obligation.
Cantor Ministry
Chorale - St Anselm Adult Choir sings for 11 am Sunday Mass
Schola - St Gregory Adult Choir sings for 1 pm Latin
Time Commitment: In addition to Sunday Mass one weekly one hour rehearsal on Wednesday.
St. Anselm Choir @ 6pm
St. Gregory Choir @ 7pm
Visiting, praying and taking the Eucharist to our institutional or homebound parishioners.
Time Commitment: Typically one hour a week on Sundays
Join us in praying the Joyful Mysteries of the Rosary and for occasional special devotions.
Time Commitment: On the first Saturday of the month, the Rosary starts at 7:15 am and is always finished before the 8:00 am Mass. After Mass on First Saturday we pray a Rosary Mystery and its guided meditation takes about 10-20 minutes.
On the 2nd, 3rd and 4th Saturday the rosary is prayed after the 8:00 am Mass and last for about 45 minutes.
The purpose of the Seven Sisters Apostolate is to pray for our parish priests, seminarians, bishop and pope.
Time Commitment: One hour per week
Choirs are open to children ages 6 through 18 years of age.
St. Cecilia- Provides music for 9 am Sunday mass once a month, generally the third Sunday of the month.
Chorus Mater Gratiae- Provides music for 1pm Latin Mass once a month generally the third Sunday of the month.
Time Commitment:
St Cecilia - One monthly Sunday Mass when the choir sings plus 2 rehearsals which are held at 8:20 am before the 9 am Sunday Mass the choir sings and also on the second Sunday of the month.Chorus Mater Gratiae - One monthly Sunday Mass plus 2 rehearsals 30 minutes in length which are held Sunday after the Latin Mass on the first and second Sunday of the month.
Young ladies of the parish between 3rd and 12th grade serve as sacristans. Volunteers prepare the sacred vessels, linens, books, and vestments before the liturgy of the mass and remove them at the conclusion of mass..
Time Commitment: Most girls serve 1-2 masses each month, working for about 30 minutes before and 20 minutes after that mass.
Ushers greet parishioners and distribute bulletins to them as they enter the church for Mass, help with seating and guide people to receive communion, take up the collections, wish people well as they leave the church and pick-up bulletins and items left in the pews.
Time Commitment: Ushers are asked to arrive at least 20 minutes prior to the Mass they serve and are also encouraged to commit to a Mass on a weekly basis that fits their schedule. Ushers can also participate as a substitute at any Mass at any time.
2203 West Market Street, Greensboro, NC 27403-1515