Education & Formation

To carry forth faithfully and dutifully all that is true, good, and beautiful; The Education and Formation Commission works in the parish community of Our Lady of Grace to facilitate a lifetime of constant conversion by promulgating a rightly ordered understanding of Catholic teachings centered in, flowing from, and returning to the Mass and the Holy Eucharist.  Lex orandi, lex credendi!

Commission Chair: Darrell Boan

  • Adult Catechesis - Small Groups

    Small groups are hosted, ideally off campus in the volunteer’s home or at a restaurant weekly or every other week. . Materials for the small group study must be approved by the parish Director of Religious Education and Faith Formation Commission. Includes our current Lectio Divina Groups.  

    Various times available - flexible

  • Caritas Youth Ministry

    Caritas Youth Ministry is looking for individuals to help lead middle school and high school youth into the Heart of Jesus, and there, find their purpose and where they belong. Our Caritas Core Team helps lead Youth Nights every/every other Wednesday, corresponding with the middle school and high school schedule. Duties for core team members include giving witnesses/talks about the faith and their personal journey with Jesus Christ, helping lead games and activities for the youth, and preparation, set up, and clean up for youth nights. We ask for a one year commitment for all core members (fall and spring semester). The main requirement for a core team member is a great love for Jesus Christ and His Church! We are also always in need of supplies and meals for youth nights, prayers and support.

    Time Commitment: Every other week-every week with some time for preparation. Each week we meet Wednesday from 7-8:30pm (middle school and high school meet every other week). Other chaperone opportunities are also needed at times throughout the year.

  • Celebración de la Palabra

    Celebration of the word meets to discuss Sacred Scripture. Those who come will learn to discern what God tells them in their lives, their ears are opened and they learn to listen to the word.

    Time Commitment: Thursdays at 7:00 PM in room 5 of the Parish Life Center

  • Credo Café

    Parishioners are invited to come and listen to one of our priests dive into the rich teachings of the Catholic Church.  Volunteers set-up coffee and light refreshments for the discussion and help clean up afterwards.  Volunteers are also needed to bring food.

    Time Commitment: Sundays throughout the year, 10:45 am -11:30 am.

  • Divine Mercy Cenacle

    The Divine Mercy Cenacle was formed to bring people together who want to learn about St. Faustina Kowalska and Divine Mercy by reading St. Faustina’s Diary, passages from the Bible, and sections of the Catechism of the Catholic Church.

    We use the Cenacle Formation Manual by Bryan and Susan Thatcher which follows a plan of prayer, reading, and discussion.

    Time Commitment: 1st and 3rd Thursday of each month; 10:00 am – 12:00 noon.

  • Marriage Preparation

    Volunteers serve as mentors for couples going through marriage preparation 

    Time Commitment: Meeting at least once a month with an assigned couple preparing for marriage.

  • Our Lady of Perpetual Help

    Just as the Child Jesus fled into the arms of his Mother when he was frightened, so too do we flee into the arms of our Blessed Mother with child-like confidence whenever fear envelopes our hearts. Just as the Virgin Mother consoled and comforted her Divine Child, so too does she console and comfort us, her spiritual children, in our afflictions. We can always come to her in our time of need and receive her help. We pray the Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help, the rosary and the Divine Mercy Chaplet.

    Time Commitment: Wednesday 11:00 am - 12 pm in the church.

  • Religious Education & Faith Formation

    Volunteers provide teaching as the main catechist, assistant, or as a substitute for students in grades 1-12, with the goal of adding Pre-K/K in the future. Volunteers must teach and live a life in accordance with Church teaching. Interviews with the Director of Religious Education are required. 

    Time Commitment: Sunday mornings, Sept - April/May. Catechist meetings, and Trainings

  • Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults (RCIA)

    RCIA is looking for volunteers to become a godparent or sponsor for those who desire to enter the Church. Godparents will need to attend various rites throughout the year with the catechumen. They will also need to attend the Easter Vigil or the day of the reception of the sacraments. Godparents serve as spiritual parents to the catechumen during the preparation for the sacraments and throughout their entire lives. 

    Time Commitment: Godparents do not have to attend classes, but are more than welcome to join! Tuesday evenings, September- April/May. Classes are from 7-8 PM. 

    Various Rites during the year and the Easter Vigil

  • Women's Gospel Encounter

    The Women’s Gospel Encounter Group meets to share the upcoming Sunday’s Gospel and encounter Our Lord through His Word and discussing His message with other women.

    Time commitment: Every Tuesday 11:00 am to 12:00 pm in Parish Life Center Room 4

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