The Parish Life Commission helps build a strong parish family by identifying and coordinating social and recreational opportunities. The commission maintains an annual calendar of scheduled events and supports vibrant liturgical life both in homes and the parish community.
Commission Chair: Rebekah Zomberg
Responsibilities include praying for the sick, preparing and/or purchasing food for after funeral reception and hosting/serving receptions after funerals.
Time commitment: Varies by scheduling of funerals and receptions. Can be as a volunteer's schedule permits.
On the first Sunday of every month, our Parish hosts a Donut Sunday Reception in the Kathleen Price Bryan Banquet Hall. Ministries will host certain months, but other months are handled by individual volunteers. Volunteers help with picking up the donuts and delivering the donuts to the church, setting up (making coffee, putting out donuts, pouring juice cups, etc.), cleaning up, and serving donuts.
Time Commitment: Donut pick up/drop off is on Saturday between 5-7 PM
Volunteers can choose to help with all morning Masses on Sunday (7am, 9am, 11am) or simply assist with one Mass!
Our mission is to inspire men to live positive, holy lives using the spirituality of Chesterton as our model. The writings of G.K. Chesterton can help you gain a deeper sense of faith, greater intellectual clarity, and greater joy. Chesterton isn't all that we read. We read other great Catholic and non-Catholic literature and watch an occasional movie.
Time Commitment: We meet at members homes once a month to discuss assigned passages. Meetings start at 7pm.
The Knights of Columbus is a Catholic fraternal organization which promotes charity, unity, fraternity, patriotism, and service to the Church. Our council is active in helping the parish, community, and advocating for issues related to morality. In the last year we have raised money for OLG school security and its special needs program, attended various pro-life events, held socials for the parish and council, and various other activities.
Time Commitment:
We meet once a month as a council for 30-60 minutes. The time commitment is completely up to the person. Some show up just to occasional events, and some spend time weekly on Knights activities. We hold events for the parish, community, and/or parish often, which is a great way to become an active Knight.
Providers: Volunteers provide meals for families bringing home a new baby to assist with the first days of having a newborn.
Recipients: As an expecting family: you provide your contact information to the coordinator, approximate due date, food allergies/preferences, number of family members, how many days meals will be needed (up to a week), and then notify coordinator as soon as possible with the desired dates for meals.
Time Commitment:
For providers: the time it takes to email coordinator with your contact information, use a sign up site, prepare a meal, and drop it at the OLG parish for the recipient family to pick up. You may also opt to provide a digital gift card for local restaurants.
For recipients: the time it takes to email the coordinator with your information listed above and pick up meals from OLG.
We create Shawls for OLG funerals and baby blankets for Baptisms
Time Commitment: Meetings are on the 2nd Tuesday of the month from 10:30am - 12:00pm. Personal time for knitting and crocheting
To foster community, faith, and fellowship among the young adults at Our Lady of Grace. Open to young adults ages ages 18-35
Regular monthly activities: Potluck, Rosary, and Theology Thursday; bulletin has dates for these events. We utilize GroupMe for general communication and other spontaneous activities throughout each month. QR code to be added to the GroupMe is also in the bulletin.
Time Commitment: None Just come and enjoy!
Provides an opportunity for young moms to connect, learn from, support, pray, have fun, and build friendships with each other as we share and celebrate the Catholic Faith with our children. We rotate gatherings at places such as our homes, parks, and museums.
Time Commitment: Typically, we have 1-2 organized meet-ups per month. The day of the week and time of day fluctuate in order to best incorporate everyone’s schedules. No commitment necessary - join us as you like!
Well-Read Mom accompanies women in reading great books and spiritual classics to encourage personal growth, friendship, and meaningful conversations to explore the human condition and reorient ourselves to what is good, beautiful, and true. Book selections for each year correspond to the themes of a woman's life.
Time Commitment:
Our group reads one book per month and meets to discuss it once a month, generally on the third Friday of the month, from about 7pm-10pm.
OLG’s Women’s club provides opportunities for the women of our parish to connect socially through meetings, charitable causes, and planned events that foster friendships and benefit our parish.
Time Commitment: Meetups/events are planned and sent out in an email chain
2203 West Market Street, Greensboro, NC 27403-1515