Welcome to My OLG

Get plugged in with our growing list of ministries and small groups!  Check out what our Parish Commissions are doing and send in a contact form if you'd like more information or want to participate.

Your Needs, Your Family, Your OLG

  • Buildings & Facilities

    The Building and Facilities Commission will draft a master plan to create larger, more flexible spaces for people to participate in parish activities with room for future growth. The master plan will place stronger emphasis on safety, accessibility, and convenience through sustainable development that preserves historical buildings while minimizing maintenance costs.

    Buildings and Facilities oversees ministries that help develop, renovate, restore, and care for our campus.

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  • Community Outreach

    The purpose of the Community Outreach Commission is to coordinate our parish response to Christ's command to "feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, clothe the naked, provide shelter for the homeless, and visit the sick and imprisoned." -Matthew 25 "Christ's Corporal Works of Mercy''


    The Commission evaluates the needs of the community in our parish boundaries, taking into consideration the wider Greensboro vicariate.

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  • Education & Formation

    To carry forth faithfully and dutifully all that is true, good, and beautiful; The Education and Formation Commission works in the parish community of Our Lady of Grace to facilitate a lifetime of constant conversion by promulgating a rightly ordered understanding of Catholic teachings centered in, flowing from, and returning to the Mass and the Holy Eucharist.  Lex orandi, lex credendi!

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  • Evangelization & Communication

    Our Commission strives to strengthen people’s proximity to Jesus, by helping them develop a direct “face-to-face” relationship with Him. We will do this through growing our intimacy with His Person and strengthening our knowledge of His Word, and therefore helping others do so as well.

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  • Liturgy & Worship

    This commission is concerned with the liturgical functions that serve as the primary demonstrative expressions of faith and worship, viz., the sacraments, as well as programs explicitly involving spiritual growth and development. Thus, this commission is concerned with discerning, training, developing, scheduling, and the renewal of laity in their participation in liturgical celebrations, especially the Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion, lectors, servers, ushers, cantors, greeters, and those involved in all areas of musical planning and participation… This commission assists the pastor with the liturgical and sacramental needs of the parish community… It is to plan and assist in the coordination of all liturgical, para-liturgical or special celebrations and events.

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  • Ministerios Hispanos

  • Parish Life

    The Parish Life Commission helps build a strong parish family by identifying and coordinating social and recreational opportunities. The commission maintains an annual calendar of scheduled events and supports vibrant liturgical life both in homes and the parish community.

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