The organ that graces Our Lady of Grace Church was a gift of the Bryan family and marked both the Silver Anniversary of the parish and the Golden Anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Bryan. “The Jubilee,” as the organ was called, has added a wonderful splendor to the church liturgies and celebrations, and has helped all who worship here lift heart and mind to God in prayer, thanksgiving, and praise.
The Detlef Kleuker Organ Company of West Bielefeld, Germany was given the contract for building the organ. Local Greensboro organist, Mrs. Kathryn Hodgkin, advised that a retired organ professor of the Peabody Conservatory be chosen as the consultant for the project. This professor, Arthur Howes, was well known for bringing the best of European organ building traditions to this country. Mr. Howes was familiar with the Kleuker Organ Company, having supervised the installation of several Kleuker organs in the US prior to the installation of the organ in Our Lady of Grace.
The Kleuker organs were well known for their ability to withstand extremes of temperature and humidity, as well as having a musical organ tone of high quality. The installation project included a year’s preparation for the elegant gallery and the building of the organ. The project was completed in the fall of 1977, and a series of wonderful organ recitals by world-famous artists was initiated.
To give you an idea of how rare and grand the Jubilee is, a typical small country church organ may have thirty or so pipes on display, and two or three hundred more pipes hidden behind them. Our Kleuker has 2,226 pipes. During the organ’s installation, many of the workers became well known to the OLG community, including master organ builders Herr Rexhausen and Herr Rave, and the artist-pipe-voicer, Herr Blonigen, who voiced all 2,226 pipes. Mr. Allen Harris was chosen as the Kleuker service representative upon the completion of the organ in 1977. Sadly, Mr. Kleuker died many years ago, and his organ-building firm is no longer in existence.
This magnificent Kleuker organ, our “Jubilee,” is a visible sign of how we at Our Lady of Grace have been mightily blessed. When we sing to its accompaniment, we “pray twice.” In helping us to praise God, may it help us to deserve the kindness of His mercies, to enjoy the present beauty of His house, and remind us of the promise of the everlasting glory of His eternal home.
Technical Information:
47 Ranks over 3 Manuals and Pedal.
Bourdon 16′, Principal 8′, Rohrflote 8′, Octave 4′, Hohlflote 4′,
Octave 2′, Blockflote 2′, V-VI Mixtur, Trompete 8′
Gedeckt 8′, Principal 4′, Spitzflote 4′, Quintaton 4′, Nasat 2-2/3′,
Octave 2′, Terz 1-3/5′, IV Mixtur, Krummhorn 8′
Holzgedackt 8′, Spielflote 4′, Principal 2′, Quinte 1-1/3′, III Cymbel,
Rankett 16′
Subbass 16′, Octave 8′, Superoctave 4′, Flachflote 2′, VI Mixtur,
Fagott 16′, Trompete 8′, Clarion 4′
HW/Ped., RP/Ped., RP/HW., BW/HW.
2203 West Market Street, Greensboro, NC 27403-1515