Ascension of the Lord 2024

Glenn Diehl • May 12, 2024

You Are What You Eat

I am sure you have heard the saying over the years, “you are what you eat.” I learned the truth of this the hard way. A few years ago, I had a calcium heart scan and was told I was in the ninety-eighth percentile to have a massive heart attack. With three of my four arteries almost completely blocked I was given two options: surgery, with a series of stints put in, or a change to my diet to try and reverse the issue. My wonderful wife was in the room when I got the news, so a drastic change in diet became our first choice. Over the next fourteen months of a strict Vegan diet, I lost forty-five pounds and was able to completely alleviate my heart condition. My bloodwork showed I transformed my metabolism to that of an eight-year-old!  (One last note about going Vegan: you only give up two things when you change to a Vegan diet—taste and happiness! But it worked!)

As we celebrate the great feast of Corpus Christi, let us consider the possible effects of a worthy reception of the Eucharist. A recent survey of US Catholics revealed the sad fact that only thirty-one percent believe in the true Body, Blood, Soul and Divinity of Jesus present in the Eucharist. On that basis, it makes me wonder what the other sixty-nine percent think they are receiving when they approach the altar. Do they consider the consecrated bread simply bread prayed over to make it “special,” but not having any supernatural characteristics? Is it, as most of our Protestant brethren believe, just a symbol of a communal meal that bonds the congregation together?  This is clearly not what Jesus says in John 6 when many of those listening turned away from following Him after they heard His very emphatic words about He Himself as the true Bread of Life.

So how about us? Do we leave room for not only the natural experience of the Bread and Wine, but the supernatural communion of our souls with the Soul and Divinity of Jesus in His Body and Blood? Do we come with an expectation to be supernaturally transformed? Are we surrendering to the work of His Spirit and the Will of the Father? Jesus left us His Body and Blood, the Bread of Angels, as Heavenly sustenance for our earthly journey and, I think, as a comfort of His True Presence with us. Much like a Groom not wanting to leave His bride, Jesus wanted to stay with His church until His triumphant return.

Countless Eucharistic miracles, where the host actually turns to human flesh, have revealed a consistent fact. When analyzed, the consecrated host all test as actual human heart tissue. The host has truly become Jesus’ Sacred Heart! Jesus wants us to literally feed on His Sacred Heart and transform us through true intimate communion with Him. Our DNA, our metabolism can actually be joined with Jesus and changed to be more like Him! We become walking tabernacles of His Presence, temples of His Holy Spirit and instruments in His hands to heal and comfort those around us. All this can happen if we bring our faith to the altar, ready to receive Jesus as He intended.

If you have ever gone to Eucharistic Adoration, what do you think you are looking at? And just as importantly, what do you think Jesus sees as He looks back at us? Does He see true worshipers happy to spend time with their Lord?

So, bring your faith to the altar. Become what you consume! Be changed more and more into His hands and feet to serve those around you. Let Jesus make this cliché come to life, ”You are what you eat.” May it be so for all of us. 

Pax et Bonum

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